Are You Truly 'All Clear'? What Women Should Really Hear After Delivery!
I can't believe it's been 5 months since bringing two beautiful
baby girls into the world! They are such a great Gift, and I can't imagine Life without them. While we've had to expand in sooo many ways (see my prayerful post during this latest pregnancy), I've been starting to grow inpatient with my recovery. I'm finding it much harder to "restore the core" this time -not sure if it's because I carried twins or because I required a C-section, but I still don't feel "right".
To be clear, I'm not expecting to regain my pre-baby body (& honestly I don't feel the need to appear ANY certain way after 4 kids in 5 years -I'm too tired to care!) BUT I am desperately wanting to feel more functional and rebuild the strength & endurance I've lost after three pregnancies and a spine surgery (not exactly what I had in mind when envisioning the last "5-year plan"!😜)
🚨Warning: Soap Box Rant Ahead!
At my 6 WEEKS check-up I received the typical "all clear" from my women's health physician to "resume all normal activities". Wait, what??! I just had major surgery! (The way the babies were positioned meant the safest delivery option was via Cesarian... while a very common procedure, I didn't anticipate how hard the recovery would be! I delivered my other daughter and son naturally, and in comparison, it seemed like I was able to feel 'normal' pretty quickly. Even though I had spine surgery when my son was six months old, I finally felt decent again not long afterwards. I know I need to give myself a good year, but 5 MONTHS after the twins' delivery and I'm still demonstrating significant core dysfunction.)
As a physical therapist, I've treated tons of patients after orthopedic operations such as a shoulder scope or knee repair, so I understand the importance & respect the stages of healing. WHY wouldn't I be encouraged by my doctor to see a rehab specialist after my abdominals were 1) strained from the pressures of pregnancy, & then 2) injured by surgical intervention during delivery?
Continued Rant:
The fact that no one actually checked my stomach or pelvic floor muscles means there's NO WAY my doctor could know how I handle loading these *healing tissues* during any kind of dynamic movement -forget about a traditional exercise program! It really bothers me that the same advice is given to so many women who end up with big-time issues later because they never received good guidance regarding how to safely and progressively build up to their "normal" activity levels -which now involves lifting, carrying, and keeping up with a new little human 👶🏻💞. I've treat many women YEARS later who say they've just lived with dysfunction because they thought it was the price to pay for the love of children.
I also feel the urge to express my concerns for new moms who join fitness classes or "Mommy & Me Bootcamps" because they feel pressure to "bounce back" to their pre-baby bodies. While I love the camaraderie of group exercise, many women expect to see these results if they just work out hard enough...WRONG. Believe me, I wish the key to recovery was mind over matter, but the "no pain, no gain" mentality and push to "go hard or go home" is just tempting fate when it comes to injury vulnerability during the postpartum stages of healing.
Just because I wasn't complaining of pain, or reporting signs of prolapse, hernia, or "leakage" doesn't mean I'm not at risk for developing these things.
What puts me at risk? Here's a list of *just a few* things women need to know after delivering a baby!
1) The core trauma from the physical pressures of pregnancy for starters. Every muscle has an idea length/position from which to generate power. If contracted too short, then the muscle has nothing left to give. If it's stretched too long, then it's grasping for help... these were my abs 3 days before the twins' delivery! (For those interested, the babies were 6lbs 10oz & 6lbs 15oz on their birthday.)
2) Hormones! There are sooo many fluctuations and changes during pregnancy and the postpartum period. In particular, the "let-down" hormones that affect breastfeeding moms will influence ALL the joints and ligaments of the body... Do you feel unstable, uncoordinated, or like your balance is really off? Theses hormones are partly to blame and can still play a role up to 3-4 months AFTER a mom stops nursing. (Sidenote: I found this article extremely interesting regarding hormone influence & exercising during regular menses. Postpartum physiology is an even crazier cluster to consider!)
3) STRESS plays a major key in healing (For me, it's adjusting to life with 4 kids under 5 years old while also coping with the loss of my dear daddy to acute leukemia). ANY perceived threat can induce a feeling of "fight or flight", but if we get stuck in this state of stress, then the body has a really hard time healing. It's amazing how just deep Breathing can help us return to a physiological place where "all is Calm & Bright" again.
4) Nutrition = Vitality! While stress can definitely deplete essential vitamins and minerals, our bodies require even more nurturing in order to repair injured and inflamed tissues. I recommend working with a registered dietician to help with meal planning postpartum -NOT for weight loss!!, but for restoration of a deeply depleted fuel state!
5) For me, my stress levels & nutrition are closely associated with SLEEP! When sleep deprivation accumulates (think: teething twins!), it easy to feel in a funk and crave carbs and just plain junk! Sleep when you can Mama. Maybe now is not the time to do alllll the things! Try to find Peace in just Being, not Doing (because believe me you are doing a LOT!)
In addition to addressing the whole body with the list above, here are a few extra tips I've been applying to survive lately...
"For the things we must do, do them well!" This starts with the simple things like BREATHING, Posture Awareness (especially while nursing!), & everyday form for functional tasks like bending, lifting, & balancing.
Physical Therapy! Of course! It's so helpful to have another set of trained eyes to assess my strategies for daily activities as well as exercises. Plus I find so much value in a hands-on healing approach to help release restrictions in fascia & scar tissue to improve muscle function. I HIGHLY recommend EVERY mom to get checked out by a therapist who specializes in women's health!
I've also started adding some Cold Laser treatments directly over my scar to facilitate healing.
Finally, I'll end by posting a few reminders to myself for the times I'm feeling frustrated.
Remember: the body knows how to heal, just trust that it can happen! Respect the process and don't rush it. Consistency is key, & needs to occur in all aspects of healing!
Sometimes we just need to hear that "you are enough!" right where you are. Appreciate the past, but don't dwell on what you used to do or how you used to look. Stay present with the Gifts you're given because this too will change! Look fondly to the future and let go of anxious anticipation. You are amazing -believe it for yourself and those precious little ones who will always look up to you ❤️🙏🏻✌🏼!!