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Sola Scriptura: Figuring Out Facts from Falsehoods

Before I begin I need to make a BIG DISCLAIMER: I'm not a Theologian and my doctorate is not in religious studies. However, I am a Daughter of God who desires to understand her Designer. I can't take credit for hanging the moon nor commanding my next heartbeat. I trust our Creator wants to teach us and satisfy our innate Thirst for Truth.

The purpose of examining any topic related to Faith, is not to begin or win arguments but to spread openness to a Sovereign Wisdom (even if it's contrary to our comfort or surpasses our human understanding).

Now on to today's questions:

Have you ever wondered why there are so many divisions and different denominations when it comes to practicing the Christian Faith? How can so many churches insist the Bible provides them with everything they need to form their foundational teachings, and yet we see so much disparity when it comes to "following the Word of God"? Most "Bible Christians" earnestly claim to be "lead by the Holy Spirit" when interpreting Scripture, but it makes it seem like the Holy Spirit is schizophrenic! How can one church claim Truth that is the complete opposite of the church next door? If there are hundreds-to-thousands of different denominations, how can they all claim to know what's Best?!

These are just a few questions that I started to investigate when I first moved to the Bible Belt almost two decades ago. I believe the Holy Spirit is supposed to Unify Seekers and not divide them (that's the devil's work). As a result, I want to promote dialogue amongst denominations so we can discover what truly Binds us, bringing us closer to "Peace on Earth". While I'm still seeking Wisdom, I've learned the first thing I always need to ask is "what does Scripture really say?" and "how is God's Truth meant to be Received?"

This leads me to the debate between "Sola Scriptura" versus "Sacred Tradition".

First, what is Sola Scriptura, and how does it influence the practice of Faith?

Sola Scriptura is a Protestant doctrine (developed in the 1500's) that teaches its followers that “Scripture Alone” is the solitary authority for instruction pertaining to faith and morals. Basically, “if it’s not in the Bible, then it’s not God’s infallible Truth”. As a result, some people criticize the Catholic Church for teaching Traditions* that don’t have origin in the written Scriptures. Catholics, however, believe that the "Fullness of Truth" comes from both written and oral Traditions. As a result, the Church teaches some things that weren't written in the Bible -however, it's important to remember that the New Testament Scriptures are part of a historical record that describe the practices already taking place by the first followers of Jesus. As a result, they claim many Traditions weren’t added to the Bible -instead, the Bible (New Testament) was added to the Traditions that were already being taught!

*What is the difference between Tradition and tradition?

“Tradition” can’t change, while “tradition” can. The word means to “be handed down”, and "Sacred Tradition" has been transmitted from the Teaching of Jesus to His first followers (also known as “Apostolic Tradition”). These Traditions are Doctrines of the Church -statements that hold Truth despite varying trends (examples: Jesus was true God and true Man, the Trinity is One God in three Divine Persons, etc). The Church also expresses “traditions” that are meant to encourage and enhance Spiritual growth and enlightenment (examples include using architecture, candles, seasonal vestments, and music to develop a place of Worship, as well as practices like fasting during Lent and prayerful meditating. Even the custom of “Feast Days” has been traditionally developed by the Church such as celebrating Christmas on December 25).

BIG NOTE: While Sola Scriptura states the Bible is the only authority we need in order to know everything Jesus wanted us to believe regarding the Christian Faith, there is no place in Scripture that supports this claim. Since the Bible itself does not declare that it is the only Source of Divine Truth, then Sola Scriptura is not Scriptural!

But what about 2Timothy 3:16-17 ?

When searching for a verse to support the doctrine of believing in the Bible Alone, many will reference this passage:

All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

(Sidenote: I referenced the NIV translation that comes from a Protestant Bible to copy this quote.)

How does the Catholic Church respond?

✅ Amen! The Church wholeheartedly stands behind all Scripture (the “Fathers of the Church” are responsible for determining the Canon: 73 books they considered to be the Divinely Inspired Word of God). However, interpretation is everything… who wrote the passage, to whom, where, and why are all important things to consider. Ideally, it'd be awesome to access the original language and understand the meaning of terms like the first listeners. For example, if someone 2000 years from now reads a weather statement that says "it's raining cats and dogs", then without any context, the person could be lead to believe animals literally fell from the sky -all because they didn't understand the figure of speech as we use it today.

Back to the verse in 2 Timothy. While we understand the importance of the term "useful" (and in some translations the word here is "profitable"), it does not mean sufficient. This verse does NOT say Scripture is the SOLE authority for "teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness..."

In addition, all verses should be read within the setting of surrounding passages: if we back up to read the preceding verse (2Timothy 3:14-15), it states:

but you, remain faithful to what you have learned and believed, because you know from whom you’ve learned it, and that from infancy* you have known the sacred scriptures, which are capable of giving you wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

(*Here is where it's so important to understand some background info about the author of this book... Few, if any, of the books of the New Testament were written when Timothy was a child! The author Paul is referring to the "sacred scriptures" of the Old Testament –but no one who subscribes to Sola Scriptura believes we are to live by the Old Testament alone!)

Catholic doctrine says the full deposit of Faith involves Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition –believing in the Word of God in its written and oral forms. It's interesting that these beliefs actually pass the "Sola Scriptura test"... Where in the Bible does it support the practice of Oral Tradition?

  • 2Thess2:15. Paul says “therefore brethren stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by an oral statement or by a letter of ours”

  • 2Tim 2:2. “And what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will have the ability to teach others as well"

  • 1Cor11:1-2. "Follow my example, as I (Paul) follow the example of Christ. I praise you for remembering me in everything and for holding to the traditions just as I passed them on to you."

  • Acts 2:42. “They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.” (Wondering what prayers they used? Go sit and listen to a Catholic Mass -pay particular attention to the presentation of the Eucharist!)

Next, it's so important to investigate the idea of Authority when it comes to interpreting God's Word (whether written or oral). I like to think I will always come to the same conclusions whenever I read a particular passage, but experience has shown that's not always the case. No wonder there are so many churches that split up over disagreeing interpretations! As these Holy Writings get copied and translated over the centuries, we must learn the original meaning from the original authors. (For example, it would be absolutely critical for determining someone's Faith if he relied on his own interpretation and read "GODISNOWHERE" as "God is now here" versus "God is nowhere"!)

Catholics believe the Church is the pillar and foundation of Truth (1Tim3:15). Divine Wisdom to illuminate the Bible is gifted through the Holy Spirit to the Church by its "Apostolic Authority".

Apostolic Authority: the Authority of Jesus Christ as handed down to His apostles.

Where is the evidence in the Bible that such an Authority exists?

  • Luke 10:16 (Jesus talking to his apostles) "Whoever listens to you listens to me. Whoever rejects you rejects me. And whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me."

  • John 20:21 "Again Jesus said, 'Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.'"

  • Matthew 28:18-20 Then Jesus approached and said to them (His apostles), “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore and make disciple of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

  • Matthew 16:18-19 “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (See below for some fun "photo evidence" of how serious the Church takes this Scripture...)

This pic was taken outside of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. Peter is holding the "keys" to Christ's Church.

Here is a pic of the alter where the Pope celebrates the Eucharist (a central teaching of Catholicism -honoring the commands of Jesus to re-present His flesh & blood to Believers). The altar is constructed directly over the bones of St. Peter -literally taking to heart Matt16:1! (To get the full background regarding Peter's bones, I HIGHLY recommend taking the Scavi Tour underneath the ground of the Basilica. Otherwise you can read one account of the historical story here.)

One last pic from a Vatican tour shows the 2000 year lineage of popes beginning with Peter.

(Yes, I know they weren't all wonderful leaders, some even corrupt! But no other church can claim such a direct line of succession to Jesus.)

I could continue this blog for days, but if you're still reading, I really applaud and appreciate you! If you'd like to investigate more on your own, I recommend following these folks for their Catholic* explanations:

Scott Hahn- a former Evangelical Pastor whose Catholic conversion story is an awesome witness to the power of prayer through some serious Scripture study.

Bible Christian Society -(a lot of the above info comes from their Sola Scriptura audio lectures)

Gus Lloyd- a cradle Catholic who "fell away" for a few years. After "reconversion", he's become a longstanding and popular Sirius XM radio host on the Catholic Channel 129.

*LAST note: Why have I become so Catholic-biased? Because this is where my search for God was satisfied. While it's not the most popular perspective where I live in the Southern United States (I've even been condemned by some!), I still have to thank my Protestant friends for the challenges they proposed regarding my Faith. It really motivated me to dig down and discover "why we do what we do"! My prayer is that you will do the same no matter what kind of Faith you have. 🙏🏻 ❤️ ✌🏼

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