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Surprise! I'm already at the halfway point during pregnancy number 3- with twins!

I think it’s kind of fun to compare pregnancies, but I have to admit I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much more I need to expand...


This is the most obvious growth that will occur no matter what. I really don’t care about weight gain or appearance, but I’m always concerned about health and function! I want the babies to have enough nutrition and ROOM, but my poor abs are already growing tired in their stretched out state (every muscle has an ideal length from which to generate power -not too short and not too long, so modifications and mindful movement strategies are a must)!


I’ve always been pretty independent (fun fact: when I graduated high school I accepted track and academic scholarships to a Division 1 college thirteen hours from home, despite knowing just a handful of people). The problem is, I often have difficulty asking for help. It’s funny how both pride and humility can contribute to a feeling of isolation... My pride makes me think I can do everything on my own, but I’m also waaaaay more comfortable serving others than asking to be served. Mentally, I know that I need to get over these obstacles in order to welcome Help and expand my Village in order to raise our growing family (soon-to-have 4 kids under 5 years old)!


My motto always challenges me when I’m uncertain about the future: Stay Faithful & Flexible. While I’m usually pretty good to go with the flow as things are happening, I still struggle with anxious anticipation over how God will provide what we need at the time we need it. I know He always gives us Enough even if I can’t predict how He will expand our resources. God is the Most GRACE-ious Giver. While our energy and funds will definitely be depleting, I don’t believe He is entrusting us with two more Lives just to make us desolate or destitute ha.

One last thought:

The biggest thing I’m really looking forward to when these new babies arrive is a growing Love that will expand beyond explanation! 💓💞💓

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