Parenting & a Lesson in Free Will...
Parenting a threenager and a toddler has taught me a lot about my Relationship with my Creator. (See my 💡moments in the middle of the following scenario...)
Begin scene: Parent buys a family size box of crisp cereal to make treats for a party later. Parent does not have a lock on the pantry. (💡I know God delights in supplying us generously with good things. He treats us with a family-sized love that inspires me to be creative and to celebrate His Gifts. 💡💡God also does not put locks on things to prevent us from making decisions -GOoD or bad...)
Enter Toddler. While Parent turns away to cook at the stove, Toddler chooses to climb into pantry and run away with the open box of cereal. When Parent declares warning, Toddler looks parent straight in the eye and shakes the box up, down, & upside down -crispy crunchy cereal flying everywhere!
(💡I'm not suggesting that God ever turns His back to us. He's a Know-it-ALL and sees everything. He does give us warnings, but we have to have ears tuned to His Voice and a heart turned towards His Truth. Even when we understand what He wants for us, we ultimately have our own choices to make -GOoD or bad...)
Older Sister: WOW what a mess! Are you going to give him away?
Parent: What do you think I should do?
Older Sister: You need to keep him.
Parent: Then what should we do next?
Older Sister (singing): Clean up, Clean up, everybody everywhere!
Sometimes when we make poor choices, it affects more than the just individual who made the mess. There is no way my toddler could clean up such a stew on his own. Thankfully the dust-buster was charged, and his big sis was willing to assist:
(💡God always provides Helpers and Tools to get us back on track. We must be willing to do our part to make things right again. Whether we learn a lesson from our messes is our choice once again!)
🙏🏻Dear Lord, as I end the day and reflect on some of my mistakes, I thank You for Your Mercy! Help me make GOoD decisions out of gratefulness for Your Grace. May I hasten to help others in need as well. Amen.🙏🏻