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The Naughty & Nice Lists

naughty nice

For me, there is no better time to do some self-reflection as Advent season begins in preparation for Christmas. I should do this more often, but it can be uncomfortable to truly look at my tendencies and see how many vices versus virtues I maintain. If I want to achieve wellness of the body, mind, or Soul it's important to implement a health check.

Spiritual fitness is just like physical fitness. 💪🏼🙏🏻

As a physical therapist, I'm pretty enthusiastic about educating my patients on exercise techniques. I want to help them make smarter movement choices and reduce their re-injury rates. Sometimes I just have to say: “You gotta check yourself, before you wreck yourself!” My goal is to help bring awareness to risky strategies. I try to demonstrate good form and give lots of cues, but sometimes I wish I could just do it right for them.

Frequently folks really struggle after an injury because pain causes them to compensate and resort to faulty movement patterns. When these patterns become chronic, it usually leads to new problems. It’s my job to help them re-wire their poor programming. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort and extended time to retrain the brain how to move the body smoothly again. I do my best to give tips and tools, but it is ultimately up to the patient to execute and perform.

The same principles apply when trying to follow God! Sometimes I get stuck in a state of spiritual stagnancy and I need to check myself by checking in with my Creator. He is the Master Instructor and offers me a Role Model for how train for Life. I need to ask God to reveal my compensations (sin patterns) that I resort to when I'm tired or hurting. It takes spiritual practice to sharpen my senses to His Truth. He provides All the Guidance, and I need to pay focused attention to my spiritual movement strategies in order to stay close to Him…

Consider these Naughty or Nice Lists as a Checkup for the Soul:

(Galatians 5:19-23)

“Now the works of the flesh are obvious:

  • Immorality,

  • Impurity,

  • Licentiousness,

  • Idolatry,

  • Sorcery,

  • Hatreds,

  • Rivalry,

  • Jealousy,

  • Outbursts of fury,

  • Acts of selfishness,

  • Dissensions,

  • Factions,

  • Envy,

  • Drunkenness,

  • Carousing,

  • and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

But the fruit of the Spirit are

  • Love,

  • Joy,

  • Peace,

  • Patience,

  • Kindness,

  • Generosity,

  • Faithfulness,

  • Gentleness,

  • Self-control.

  • Against such there is no law.”

Reflection: The works & fruit are produced out of our hearts and minds. It is the evidence of our current relationship with God. I recommend taking time to reflect on each one (I had to look some of them up to get a better grip on each intention)…If you’re like me, there will be some works you’d rather not recognize, but it’s essential to realize the risk it places on the health of the Soul. Like any injury, it’s important to limit aggravating factors (if I cut my knuckle, and keep bending the knuckle, then it will have a hard time healing!). Once we work on eliminating things that exacerbate our “sin”juries, then there will be much healing of our Souls, and more room for the GOoD fruit to grow. Just like learning a new skill, consistent training makes it get easier! Ask the Master of All Good Things for tips, and He will show you the Way.🙌🏼

The point of this post isn’t to make anyone feel guilty or good, baneful or boastful. I just want to encourage all Believers to “pre-prayer” their hearts for Christmas -may this year be filled with Joy and all the GOoD fruit! XO ✌🏼❤️

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