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13 Things My “Threenager” Says, That I Say to God…and a Parent’s Reply

Have you ever noticed how kids say such intuitive things? Parenthood is full of revelations, and I’ve learned a lot from listening to what my little ones say. I find myself saying the SAME things to my Creator. As I try to represent God’s Love to my kids, I get a glimpse of how He might respond to me!

Threenager says: “Iiiiiiii do it!”

toddler says i do it myself

Always striving to assert independence, she often thinks she can do everything on her own.

Parent’s reply: Ok then, show me what you’ve got! It’s important to let my kids make choices and learn to do things themselves even though they will make mistakes and they won’t execute as well as I can. However, when they attempt the impossible, whom do they call on during their frustration? “Mommmmmmy do it”… and of course I will be there for the rescue to the best of my might.

Threenager says: “I want it!”

hell hath no fury like a toddler who wanted the green cup instead of the orange one

My first experience with this occurred when my daughter was around one year old. She had a huge meltdown when she wanted a knife instead of a spoon for her yogurt. Now both kids can really throw tantrums, especially over treats. I mean, am I really that awful because I won’t serve them ice cream for breakfast?

Parent’s reply: I want you to want what is good for you. I also want you to appreciate what you have instead of forever asking for a different situation.

Let’s play out the yogurt dispute… If I give you what you want, you may hurt yourself or others. You’re just going to make a big mess of things as well. But guess what, in the end I will still be there to clean you up.

*Parent makes a request* Threenager says: “NO!!!”

toddler vocabulary No

Like she knows best! She obviously has a better set of rules we should abide by. Plus, we parents just want to put a stop to any and all fun right?

Parent’s reply: I start by gently reminding her that I know a better plan. My husband and I have rules for our kids because we want to protect them. While it may seem demanding, we expect our kids to respect our requests, especially when it comes to their safety. Sometimes her stubbornness leads her to more sorrow for the consequences of disobedience.

Threenager says: "I'm sorry."

Sometimes after a really big struggle, my child will come up to me after things have settled to show me that she understands humility. Other times, she has a lot of difficulty acknowledging her faults. Even after we've explained the situation, she refuses to admit any wrongdoing.

Parent's reply: I am so ready to reconcile with you my Child! Even if it takes a little time, I'm open to your reflections anytime, anywhere. You don't ever have to question whether I will forgive you. Even if there are still consequences for your mistakes, I will never withhold my love for you.

Threenager says: “Fix my boo-boooooo!”

boo boo all gone bandaide

Scratches, scrapes, bumps and bruises: every boo-boo has the potential to be the WORST thing to ever happen!

Parent’s reply: I want to take all your hurt away, but sometimes pain can teach us GOoD lessons. I’m here to Comfort you when you can’t take it. Try not to dwell on it, and direct your thoughts to my love.

Threenager says: “I don’t like it!”

don't like, thumbs down

Whether it’s trying a new food or changing to a new routine, my child doesn’t like to be disrupted out of her comfort zone.

Parent’s reply: Please keep trying. I provide these opportunities to help you grow and adjust to a better plan.

Threenager says: “Mine!”

keep away, that's mine

Sometimes it seems like the only things kids are good at sharing are germs.

Parent’s reply: All gifts actually come from me. I’ve worked hard to provide things for you to enjoy, and it’s important to share so others can learn to appreciate generosity too.

Threenager says: "Thank you."

it's not happy people who are thankful, it's thankful people who are happy

While sometimes it sounds like a reflexive response, I can tell when my children are really grateful for a gift or when they really appreciate a compliment.

Parent's reply: I'm so happy when you recognize your Blessings. Cultivate a grateful heart and you will harvest real joy.

Threenager says: “You hurt me!”

ah accidents happen

(She didn’t want to cooperate when getting out of the bath and she turned to noodle legs... when I tried to stand her up, she collapsed to the floor.)

Parent’s reply: Please work WITH me Child and stop resisting the Help I provide. If you could just follow my directions that I give for a Reason! When you struggle against me then injuries are more likely to happen. Despite your stubbornness, I will still offer my Care –take it now so we can move on together.

Threenager says: "Look at me! Look at me! Watch me!!!"

mum? mommy? mom? mother?... Hi

Some days it feels like I shouldn't be allowed to blink, for my child fears I'm not giving her my complete attention. She usually wants to show off a new skill she learned. Sometimes she just wants to make sure I'm Present and not distracted by other less-than-important tasks.

Parent's reply: I see you my Darling! I love our quality time together, and it is so much fun to watch you grow and try new things. It brings me joy to see you accomplish your goals. Even when we are apart, you are always in my thoughts and I send my Love your way.

Threenager: *starts melting down for no good reason*

your total mega-meltdown tantrum really helped me see your side of things -said no mom ever.

Parent’s reply: Why are you crying again? You have such a good life. I provide everything you need and plenty of things that you want. Why don’t you appreciate all the ways I love you? Please take a Breath, and change your rotten attitude to one of gratitude.

*Crawls into my lap* Threenager says: “Mama, can I tell you something? You are my favorite Mama ever… I love you.”

you're my favorite

My reply: No, I love you more. I’m proud to be your parent. You are uniquely, and wonderfully made. It fills my heart to receive your love. I adore you to the moon and back. To infinity and beyond. I would give my Life for you and will always love you more than you’ll ever know.

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